Community Out-reach

1:1 Recovery Coaching

The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.


Explore wellness principles on your own schedule through a variety of online lessons.

Group Therapy

In group therapy, we come together with a therapist to share our similar challenges, offer mutual support, and learn coping strategies. It's a community-focused approach to addressing mental health or life challenges.

Improving your relationship with mental health

Healthy relationships, Healthy Mind

At Strange Fruits, we believe in the profound impact of positive relationships on mental well-being. Cultivate open communication, set boundaries, and prioritize quality time with loved ones. Celebrate successes together and, if needed, seek support as a team. Building healthy connections is a vital step in enhancing your mental health.

Empower Your Relationships for Mental Well-being

Taking action for mental health within your relationships involves initiating honest conversations, prioritizing quality time, expressing gratitude, forgiving and supporting one another, and learning together. At Strange Fruits, we believe these intentional steps contribute to stronger, more fulfilling connections. Join us in creating a community where proactive measures lead to lasting mental wellness.

Planting seeds in rich soils will assist in enhancing the growth of healthy trees of life by providing the nurturing support from a therapeutic perspective needed to enrich the growing and or strengthen the roots of the tree which life extends from. Our experienced team of Mental Health Providers, Educators, and Peer Support staff will work collectively in providing a stable and structural foundation which allow a healthier growth process. Placing strong empathizes on the stages of change process within the therapeutic community with a holistic approach centered around mind, body, and spirit providing services and support needed to help rewire the mindset of our youth, adults, and those who are deemed homeless, with the intent of promoting and elevating a healthier level of productivity and life’s coping skills by operating out of the source of H.O.P.E (Helping Our People Elevate), which will assist in bridging the gaps within families and communities.

  • Adhere to the needs and voices of the client

  • Improve our client’s performance.

  • Follow the client-centered approach.

  • Pursue a holistic approach and impact.

  • Bring innovation in management practice to clients.

Our Values